• Question: What is true love?

    Asked by 1drawsome to Cathal, Daphne, Darren, Jon, Katherine on 18 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Daphne Ng

      Daphne Ng answered on 18 Mar 2012:

      I will answer this from the scientific point of view. Scientifically speaking, love is a chemical reaction. It is the interaction of certain neurotransmitters and compounds in the brain which produces that good feeling that we know as love.

      As for true love, I think it is a philosophical question rather than a scientific question. Although science aims to find logical explanations for everything that we observe, there are certain things in life such as true love that has to be felt rather than explained or proven! In fact, I think that if we could design an experiment to explain true love, that would take away the beauty and mystery of true love!

    • Photo: Katherine Haxton

      Katherine Haxton answered on 18 Mar 2012:

      A lot of people say you’ll know it when you find it!
      There are lots of really interesting bits of scientific research being done around love, attraction and finding a mate. Some of the studies involve looking at how people smell to each other (and even if you don’t think someone smells, you’re nose is picking up something from them!), others look at faces to work out what kind of faces are pretty or not.
